Sunday, 27 May 2007

On the Eve of the May Bank Holiday

I have read and re-read The Mid Devon Advertiser, The Teignmouth Post and the Herald Express and I still can't believe the madness of our newly elected Liberal Democrat led Teignbridge Council.

1. Front page news - the days of maggot filled bins are over - but only if you are one of the 8,000 pilot households for the new weekly collections - which may not be permanent. And how is this going to be paid for? No ideas have been offered as to how the funding gap is to be met! Was this just another election promise which will not be met?
2. Despite and in the face of objections being raised to the Core Strategy by the Inspector, the Council Executive has voted unanimously to push it through! There is no housing needs analysis, no proper review of the consequences and implications of building on a flood plain, no robust plan to fund the development proposed - are they mad? The case has not been made for the Northern Option and the longer this "dead duck" is championed, the longer it will take to give the green light for a viable plan to build homes - and right now any homes wold be a bonus, affordable or not!

And what is Mr Younger Ross doing......

  • campaigning to change the rules of the Eurovision Song Contest
  • bemoaning possible post office closures - but doing nothing to stop them
  • building his Eurosceptic credentials - sorry I am not convinced - and no doubt Menzies isn't either. As a member of the European Scrutiny Committee he has a lot to answer for! The best he can offer is "I may or may not agree with what they come up with but I reject their way of doing it" what are you going to do about it Richard?
  • explaining how he is paying his way on a twinning visit - and what about the other expenses which have been incurred to such a high level -well above average
  • oh and the Lib Dems can't stop the data protection changes - so they didn't bother to turn up for the vote!

And so another week of democratic decision making comes to a close!

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