Sunday, 30 September 2007

Its election time!

Well it looks like it just might happen. Gordon Brown has kept us on our toes for weeks and now he may be hoist with his own petard. He needs to call an election this coming week - or call it all off and live with the roller coaster of a recession which seems to be fast approaching. And this time Gordon cannot blame anyone else.

And if he goes to the country he will find that 11 point lead very fragile. Britain has dropped from fourth to tenth in the international competitiveness league tables under Labour. The British Chambers of Commerce now estimate that the cost of new regulations on business under Labour has topped £56 billion. There have been more than 14 new regulations every working day under Labour and the average British company has to spend £14,270 a year implementing new legislation. Under Labour, lending has been rising at a rate of over 10 per cent per Annam, making the debt mountain now greater than Britain's total GDP. And during his ten years as Chancellor, Gordon Brown introduced 111 stealth tax rises, including the abolition of tax credits on pension funds' dividends and increases in stamp duty - can we really forgive and forget that?

This is a man of promises but not principles. There have been nine major reorganisations of the NHS in nine years, estimated to have cost a total of £3 billion - but we now have a health service in total disarray with more administrators than nurses. And now he wants us to believe he will put the NHS first on his priority list for reform! According to a report by UNICEF, the UK is rated the lowest out of 21 OECD countries for child well-being. 1.25 million young people aged 16-24 are not in work or full-time education - almost 20 per cent more than in 1997. And the UK has a higher proportion of its children living in workless households than any other EU country and the highest proportion of lone parents in Europe. Almost half of 11-year olds cannot read, write and add up properly. According to the latest international comparisons by the OECD, the UK has fallen from 8th to 19th for maths results and from 4th to 12th for reading results. Over one third of adults in the UK do not have a basic school-leaving qualification. This is not a family friendly man.

Post offices have been closing at a rate of nearly ten per week under Labour. 4,875 sub-post offices have closed since 1997 and the Government has announced plans to close a further 2,500. 52 per cent of households in rural areas do not have access to a regular bus service. Violent crime has doubled and gun crime has increased by 80 percent and a quarter of all offenders are under 21. There are over half a million illegal immigrants. Under Labour immigration has tripled. Since 2004 over 700,000 arrived from EU Accession States. Can we really be surprised that we have a broken society. Society is not safe in Mr Brown's hands.

Only a Conservative Government will strengthen society, empower individuals and bring back meaning to the words-the family, economic stability and peace. Watch this space, watch David will be surprised.

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